Elese Barrymore is the founder of Chakra Healing Sydney and offers Chakra balancing and Reiki healing treatments, combined with meditation, breath work, crystal singing bowls and Young Living Essential Oils to enhance the results.

She connects with the client’s chakras (Energy System) and applies a range of hands-on and hands-off techniques to shift stagnant or blocked energy from the body, and auric field. These non-invasive, sensory attunments work with the vibrational aspects of the body to improve the clients conscious connection while cultivating a state of deep relaxation, better quality sleep and reduced levels of physical pain, stress and anxiety.

Having completed a Diploma of Energetic Healing at the Awareness Institute, Elese is a qualified and registered Energetics Practitioner, Reiki Master and intuitive healer with a passion to help others achieve balance, develop their intuition and create more ‘felt’ life experiences.

Elese offers 75-minute individual Energetic Healing treatments and a range of conscious events including meditation, sound healing, low-tox living and women’s circles.