
0431 386378

We are excited to introduce the Men’s Growth and Development Circle to our community.  

It has become clear to most that there are many issues resulting from how we live today.  Most people are only too familiar with the many types of challenges we face that impact on our health; mental health, emotional and relationship challenges, high stress environments, disconnection from the natural environment, poor diet and exercise practices, and a general struggle to maintain balance.

Men often face these struggles in silence as they may not feel they have the right support network to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences, or know how to voice them.

Luke Smith faced many of these challenges himself and embarked on a journey of discovery and self-awareness to find balance that was missing in his life. For many years, Luke pursued his interest in alternative medicine and health, gaining extensive training and experience as a healer, a teacher of meditation & mindfulness, working and caring for people with various disabilities, presenting and running group facilitation workshops.

He eventually left full-time corporate work to focus on his passion, and is now an emerging leader in the men’s health and movement space, where he develops ways to create healthy challenge and process to support men’s growth, development and wellbeing.

Luke says ‘After many years of training and practice I feel I am in the best place of my life. Facing some significant life challenges, I’ve been able to learn and overcome them and have grown from these experiences.  I am now able to provide support to others, as others have provided their support to me. My intention is to provide a regular, safe environment to help build resilience and balance in the men of our local community, share experiences and grow together developmentally.”

Some of the intended material we will cover will vary depending on the group, however we will be learning and sharing practices to support balance, awareness and self-sufficiency, emotional development, high performance habits, and to begin to understand our body/mind connection.  

This invitation is open to men of all ages who would value a safe support network and are interested in self-growth, development and becoming the type of balanced leader we all will value in our homes, work and community.